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Gospel Reading: Matthew 10: 26 - 33
Jesus instructed the Twelve as follows: ‘Do not be afraid. For everything that is now covered will be uncovered, and everything now hidden will be made clear. What I say to you in the dark, tell in the daylight; what you hear in whispers, proclaim from the housetops.
‘Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; fear him rather who can destroy both body and soul in hell. Can you not buy two sparrows for a penny? And yet not one falls to the ground without your Father knowing. Why, every hair on your head has been counted. So there is no need to be afraid; you are worth more than hundreds of sparrows.
‘So if anyone declares himself for me in the presence of men, I will declare myself for him in the presence of my Father in heaven. But the one who disowns me in the presence of men, I will disown in the presence of my Father in heaven.’
Kindergarten 2024
CE has informed me that we have 3 classes approved as long as we get at least 70 families accepting the enrolments. Letters of offer will start to come out Friday 22 June. I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting all of the children, re-acquainting with current families and meeting new families. We have also continued to have enrolments in other year levels, with new families starting in Term 3 in Years 2, 4 and 5.
Departing Staff
It is with a heavy heart that we farewell the following staff:
- Jwan Gethya – ELC – relocating to Victoria
- Deb Lynch – Year 1 – relocating to Ireland
- Anna Kelly – Year 1 and 2 – relocating to Singapore
- Leanne Thomas – Moving permanently to St Edmunds
- Megan Rice – Long Service Leave Semester 2.
Each of these staff members have enhanced our school and wider community. They leave with our good wishes and blessings as they embark on their next adventure. We will farewell them at our final assembly, to be held on Thursday in Week 10. We will welcome back Mrs Keryn Thiele from her long service leave, Mrs Emily McKenzie Kay will teach 3R full time, Mrs Mandy Cowley will teach 1LC full time and the other vacancies will either be advertised or filled internally.
Kindergarten Assembly
This coming Friday is Kindergarten’s first assembly, where they will host and perform. There are many excited Kindies and parents. Unfortunately, I wont be in attendance as I have a finance transformation PL in at CE. I know that the teachers and students have worked extremely hard, even though they are all just a little tired.
Parent Teacher Interviews
It has been wonderful to see so many parents and carers prioritise this time to catch up with their child’s teachers. Feedback from staff has also been very positive in sharing growth points and areas for further development in Semester 2. I understand that there is some frustration from both parents and staff in relation to the lack of comments within the Semester 1 reports. Unfortunately, this was a decision taken by CE. We are looking forward to possibly returning to normality in Semester 2.
Most students are currently very tired, and although there is still plenty of learning to do, the academic rigour is always lighter in the final week of the term. Please help out by ensuring where possible they are getting a good night sleep. If your child is unwell, a day on the lounge might be just what they need, rather than soldiering on and being unwell during the holiday break.
Pupil Free Day
A reminder that the first day of Term 3 for students is Tuesday July 18. Camp Australia are offering a holiday program, which can also include July 17. Staff will be involved in professional learning experiences at school on Monday July 17.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Cameron Reed - Principal
Phone: 6288 7688
Christopher H, Emmanuel C, Hamish H, Noah M, Paige J T, Adrian M, Sophie V, Logan L
Congratulations Mr Mitchell!
Our next school assembly will be tomorrow Friday 23 June at 2pm. Parents are welcome to attend.
Be Our Guest- Disney Dance Concert
"Be Our Guest" at our wonderful Disney themed Dance Concert in Term 3! The concert will be held on Thursday 27 July and Friday 28 July in Week 2 Term 3. On both days there will be a matinee starting at 12 pm and a night performance starting at 6 pm. ELC students will be participating in the matinee performances only. More information will come this term regarding the purchasing of tickets as well as drop off and pick up times. Your child's classroom teacher will be in contact with you regarding any costume organisation.
School Finance Transformation
Please do NOT USE CompassPay for school fees. As per the Compass notification from Cameron Reed, St Jude's has begun a new finance package rollout this month.
Please begin using your new BPay details for term 3 payments. Our preferred payment option.
Please email if you have any further queries.
We thank you for your support during this period of transition.
Happy Birthday to Scarlet T and Milena O
The ELC was lucky to have a visit from Lids4Kids this week. Tim talked about recycling and sustainability and led the children through a colour sorting activity. He showed us what can be created using the lids that we recycle. The ELC will be a collecting plastic lids from milk bottles and yoghurt pouches so please drop in your lids for recycling.
Child Care Subsidy Changes
From 10 July, changes to CCS will make childcare more affordable for most families. For more information about how these changes will affect you, go to Family eligibility and entitlement - Department of Education, Australian Government or visit I Early Childhood Education & Care for a CCS calculator.
Karen Leighton - ELC Director
Phone: 6288 7520
On the weekend many of our students made their First Eucharist. A Sacrament is an outward sign of an inward grace. This is an important step in a Catholic's faith journey, sustaining, nourishing and strengthening our relationship with God.
We continue to pray for all our candidates, that they become strong disciples of Jesus, enlivened by the Holy Eucharist.
Brigitta Van Deas - Religious Education Coordinator
Don’t forget Wednesday mornings in the Library during Winter!
We’ve had increasing numbers as the weather has become quite chilly but it’s always warm in the Library! Lots of good books to read also!
*Next week children may borrow an extra book for the holidays if they would like to. It’s always great to have some extras to read, or to have a go at something more challenging when you have more time to read.
Reading Challenge
Just a reminder that Reading Challenge is nearing the end (Week 10) and forms (Years 3-6) will need to be completed by then if possible. Some children have asked for an extension and this has been agreed to until first week back after the holidays.
Kinders – Yr 2 are working on their booklets in the Library.
Happy reading! Verna Comley
Tomorrow (Friday) ticket order forms will come home with the eldest child in each family. Please read and fill out carefully. Forms may be returned in Week 10 or Week 1 after the holidays.
*Tickets are $10 for adults per session and $5 for school aged children attending any session.
Please note: This is not a fundraising event! The money raised helps to offset some of our production costs eg hire of grandstands, sound & lighting upgrade, some costuming etc
Two (2) tickets per family are available for purchase in the 1st round.
NB. Split families will be able to purchase 2 tickets each as well.
- We are only able to offer 2 tickets in Round 1 this year because the whole school (K-6) is involved and our family numbers have increased as well.
A further offer of 2 tickets will be available as soon as we have processed Round 1 (end Week 1 Term 3). The Office will date stamp each order form as it is received at school and we will process them in that order and allocate you the best seats available that match your requirements.
Tickets will then be sent home via your eldest child in a marked envelope.
This notice will also appear on Compass for your information.
South Weston Cross Country
ACT Cross Country Championships
Last Thursday Kate H, Archie R, John C and Flynn W represented St Jude's and the South Weston Canberra schools at the ACT Cross Country Championships held at Forest Park Stromlo. The weather conditions were perfect, the students were pumped and the St Jude's Community was cheering.
Kate ran in the 10yrs girls race finishing 22nd, John ran in the 11yrs boys race coming in 35th, Archie ran in the 8yrs boys race finishing 12th and Flynn ran in the 9yrs boys race finishing in 30th place. Such amazing results for all of these students who were competing against the best runners in their age group from all Canberra schools. St Jude's is very proud of these students. Congratulations! Thank you to parents for transporting the students to and from Stromlo.
Kerrin Henderson
Last Day of Term - Meal Deal – Domino’s Pizza – orders closing soon!
The meal deal consists of two slices of Pizza and a Juice for $6.00. Pizza choices are Hawaiian, Ham and Cheese or Cheese (selection of one). Additional slices are available. Canteen menu will not be available on this day.
Orders close COB Monday 26 June
Orders need to be placed via Qkr! If paying by cash, please use the order form and return to the front office. No late orders will be accepted.
Katrina Howden - Canteen Manager
- Thursday 22 June and 29 June from 8:00am-9:30am
- Final orders for this term will be packed THURSDAY 29 June. Anything placed after 9am on this day will not be packed until Term 3 commences.
For anyone who cannot make these timings, orders can always be placed via the Uniform Shop tab on Qkr!, or via email to: for any second hand items. **Please do not make payment for secondhand items, until we reply to your request confirming stock is available/has been sent to your child's class.
Donations of pre-loved uniforms can be dropped to the Front Office in school hours, and are greatly appreciated. Please ensure uniforms are in clean condition, with no paint or texta stains, rips, or malfunctioning zippers.
Sara Kate Alyce Ashleigh - Mulleyduds Uniform Shop