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Gospel Reading: Matthew 10: 26 - 33
Jesus instructed the Twelve as follows: ‘Do not be afraid. For everything that is now covered will be uncovered, and everything now hidden will be made clear. What I say to you in the dark, tell in the daylight; what you hear in whispers, proclaim from the housetops.
‘Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; fear him rather who can destroy both body and soul in hell. Can you not buy two sparrows for a penny? And yet not one falls to the ground without your Father knowing. Why, every hair on your head has been counted. So there is no need to be afraid; you are worth more than hundreds of sparrows.
‘So if anyone declares himself for me in the presence of men, I will declare myself for him in the presence of my Father in heaven. But the one who disowns me in the presence of men, I will disown in the presence of my Father in heaven.’
Kindergarten 2024
CE has informed me that we have 3 classes approved as long as we get at least 70 families accepting the enrolments. Letters of offer have already been sent out. I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting all of the children, re-acquainting with current families and meeting new families. We have also continued to have enrolments in other year levels, with new families starting in Term 3 in Years 2, 4 and 5. If you meet people, who live in our catchment zones and are looking for a quality experience, please spread the word.
Departing Staff
It is with a heavy heart that we farewell the following staff:
- Jwan Gethya – ELC – relocating to Victoria
- Therese Bondoc - ELC - has accepted a teaching position
- Deb Lynch – Year 1 – relocating to Ireland
- Anna Kelly – Year 1 and 2 – relocating to Singapore
- Leanne Thomas – Moving permanently to St Edmonds
- Megan Rice – Long Service Leave Semester 2.
- Ethan Hart – Completing final Prac
- Natalie Hancock – Long Service Leave Term 3 – weeks 1 – 5.
Each of these staff members have enhanced our school and wider community. They leave with our good wishes and blessings as they embark on their next adventure. We will farewell them at our final assembly, to be held on Thursday in Week 10. We will welcome back Mrs Keryn Thiele from her long service leave, Mrs Emily McKenzie Kay will teach 3R full time, Mrs Mandy Cowley will teach 1LC full time and the other vacancies will either be advertised or filled internally.
Thank you to all who help in making our day smooth
A very sincere thank you to our wonderful group of parents who volunteer in either the uniform shop or the canteen, you reorganise your days to ensure that our students are clothed and fed. To all of our parents / carers who may have assisted with an excursion, helped in class or gone above and beyond, thank you. Finally, to all the members of our family who have listened to their children read, assisted with homework, sorted news, made sure uniforms are clean, lunches are made and students are dropped off and picked up, thank you. Each of you has helped in your own way.
E – Safety
One of the greatest challenges of being a modern-day parent, is keeping our children safe whilst online. We wouldn’t open our front door and let someone into our house, so when we go online, do we take the same approach? Do we really know who is on the other end? Generally speaking, young people dealing with online safety issues, want parents and carers to be informed and supportive. eSafety 101 is a 30-minute bite sized webinar that includes helpful advice and resources.
Thank you to Camp Australia
You may have visited our hall over the past fortnight and seen that one of our walls is now covered in Autex. This will enable Camp Australia to display student work, it also assists with reducing noise and echo. Camp Australia funded the materials and installation. We are fortunate in having Will and his team, providing a top quality service, backed by an organisation who are keen to be part of our community.
Pupil Free Day
A reminder that the first day of Term 3 for students is Tuesday July 18. Camp Australia are offering a holiday program, which can also include July 17. Staff will be involved in professional learning experiences at school on Monday July 17.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Cameron Reed - Principal
Phone: 6288 7688
Be Our Guest- Disney Dance Concert
"Be Our Guest" at our wonderful Disney themed Dance Concert in Term 3! The concert will be held on Thursday 27 July and Friday 28 July in Week 2 Term 3. On both days there will be a matinee starting at 12 pm and a night performance starting at 6 pm. ELC students will be participating in the matinee performances only. Round 1 tickets are now on sale. Your child's classroom teacher will be in contact with you regarding any costume organisation and drop off and pick up times.
School Finance Transformation
Please do NOT USE CompassPay for school fees. As per the Compass notification from Cameron Reed, St Jude's has begun a new finance package rollout this month.
Please begin using your new BPay details for all payments. Our preferred payment option. Your new BPay details are located on your statement emailed each month.
Please email if you have any further queries.
We thank you for your support during this period of transition.
Sacrament of Confirmation
- Dates:
Information night Tuesday 25 July 6pm @ SJV
Retreat night Tuesday 22 August 6pm @ SJV
Sacrament of Confirmation Wednesday 23 August 6pm @ SJV
- Registration is open: Parish Qkr!.
- Sponsor: A sponsor is required for registration, however if you have not yet decided, you can complete the form and email with the name later.
- Saint name: Candidates are asked to nominate a saint name as part of their Sacrament. In deciding, choose a saint with a similar or admired charism (values, focus, action). It doesn't need to be a saint of the same sex, quite often candidates choose the opposite. To assist, ALL students in year 6 will be given a homework assignment on Saints at the beginning of next term.
Attendance at each night is important for receiving information and materials including reflection booklets, stoles and gowns. If you are not able to attend a night, please contact the Parish on
Dates for next year's Sacraments will be out early next term.
Wishing you a safe and happy school break.
Brigitta Van Deas - Religious Education Coordinator
African Drumming Incursion
The ELC joined with the whole school for an African drumming event. Sam shared a story of how leopards got their spots, showed us some traditional musical instruments and told us how the talking drum works.
ELC School Holiday Program
There are places available in the ELC Holiday Program. Casual bookings are available for $150 per day (CCS will apply). The Holiday Program runs from 8am – 5:30pm. ELC uniforms are not required. Families are still required to pack food for fruit break, lunch, afternoon tea and a late afternoon snack. The canteen is not operational during the school holiday periods.
Term 2, Week 1 Important Dates
Monday 17 July is a pupil free day - Holiday Program for 48 week bookings
Tuesday 18 July is the first day of Term 3 for Stingrays and Turtles.
Thursday 20 July is the first day of Term 3 for Lobsters.
The ELC children have thoroughly enjoyed participating in the gymnastics sessions run by Woden Valley Gymnastics Club this term. We will put out a preference sheet early next term to see if families would like the option of running this program again in term 4.
Hiccup – Excursion
The Turtle and Lobster classes will be attending an excursion to the Canberra Theatre on Friday 28 July to watch Hiccup! It is a hilarious musical extravaganza about working together and finding friendship. The cost of the excursion is $24 which will be added to your next account statement.
Term 3 Resource Fee
The Term 3 Resource fee of $85 will be added to your next account statement in Week 2 of the holidays. Please ensure that you have sufficient funds in your account to avoid extra charges from Debit Success.
2024 ELC Enrolments
Letters of offer have now been sent, if you have not received any correspondence from us, please check your spam/junk folder. Any questions or concerns, contact the office
Child Care Subsidy Changes
From 10 July, changes to CCS will make childcare more affordable for most families. For more information about how these changes will affect you, go to Family eligibility and entitlement - Department of Education, Australian Government or visit I Early Childhood Education & Care for a CCS calculator.
Karen Leighton - ELC Director
Phone: 6288 7520
Term 2 Week 10
Many children are choosing to borrow extra books for the holidays so this is wonderful to be a part of. I would much rather have books out in the community than sitting on shelves in the Library over the holidays!
Reading Challenge is almost finished!
Keep those forms coming in! Winners will be announced after the holidays as I have to calculate scores for Years 3 – 6.
Kinder, Years 1 & 2 will be bringing their completed booklets home on Friday this week. Enjoy!
Wanted: Margarine/takeaway food container lids will be needed for an activity next term so I would appreciate any donations.
Next term is the CBCA Book Week term so lots of art and craft fun connected to literature.
Happy reading! Verna Comley
Please read and fill out carefully. Forms may be returned in Week 10 or Week 1 after the holidays.
*Tickets are $10 for adults per session and $5 for school aged children attending any session.
Please note: This is not a fundraising event! The money raised helps to offset some of our production costs eg hire of grandstands, sound & lighting upgrade, some costuming etc
Two (2) tickets per family are available for purchase in the 1st round.
NB. Two-household families will be able to purchase 2 tickets each as well.
- We are only able to offer 2 tickets in Round 1 this year because the whole school (K-6) is involved and our family numbers have increased as well.
A further offer of 2 tickets will be available as soon as we have processed Round 1 (end Week 1 Term 3). The Office will date stamp each order form as it is received at school and we will process them in that order and allocate you the best seats available that match your requirements.
Tickets will then be sent home via your eldest child in a marked envelope.
This notice is also on Compass for your information.
Gabby N has recently played in two regional U13 girls carnivals - playing in Canberra June long weekend, and Goulburn on 25th June. In both competitions her team placed third.
Gabby N has also been selected to play at the U13 girls NSW state championships in the July school holidays, and is a shadow player for the U12 ACT school girls team travelling to Tasmania at the end of July.
Well done Gabby N!
Kerrin Henderson
Thank you very much to everyone who volunteered their time at the Canteen in Term 2, I really appreciate your help. The Canteen wouldn’t have been able to run without your support and assistance.
The Term 3 Volunteer Roster is currently being organised, if you would like to volunteer in Term 3, please email
Katrina Howden - Canteen Manager
Final orders for this term will be packed THURSDAY 29 June. Anything placed after 9am on this day will not be packed until Term 3 commences.
During the holidays, orders can continue to be placed via the Uniform Shop tab on Qkr!, or via email to: for any second hand items. **Please do not make payment for secondhand items, until we reply to your request confirming stock is available.
A collection service for orders placed throughout the holidays will be advised via Compass notification - with the likely date being Monday 17th July (Pupil Free Day). Timing TBA closer to the day.
Sara Kate Alyce Ashleigh - Mulleyduds Uniform Shop